
From The Wiki of Illuna


Events on Illuna are usually little minigames, challenges. They usually give some kind of unique item, and/or tool as a reward for going through the event. In most cases, it contains a maze usually built by dotti, and something else that varies over time. This can be parkour, monster fighting, key hunting, and so on.


Official events[edit]

The official events of Illuna are located right in front of the travelcenter. Just press the yellow box in your inventory, turn so the travelcenter is at your back, and you should see the official event area right in front of you.

Community events[edit]

Since these are set up by the players on the server, it is not inside the Illuna kingdom, thus, their location is different by each.

Micro Events[edit]

Between our major events (see below), we also celebrate various micro events.

Major Events[edit]

Major events usually open for about one month and always bring you exclusive, sometimes way overpowered items.

Christmas Event[edit]

Starting at: Between 10 and 20 days BEFORE the real life event.

Easter Event[edit]

Starting at: Between 10 and 20 days BEFORE the real life event.

Halloween Event[edit]

Starting at: Between 10 and 20 days BEFORE the real life event.

Summer Event[edit]

Starting at: It variates every time.

In some cases there's no summer event, in other cases there could be up to 3 until Halloween. But, it is unlikely to get special tools or items, these are only micro events. However, you will get rewards at these events too.